Monday, February 11, 2008

My Investment Strategy

Students will have two class periods to research their initial 5 stock picks and write a blog entry explaining their initial investment strategy. Why did you pick the stocks that you did?

The initial 5 stocks I picked were Google, Yahoo, Intel, JetBlue and Home Depot.
I picked Google because it is such a big company and it is for the most part succesful. I chose to buy some stock but only 20 shares since it is so costy. Yahoo is another big company that does very well and is very known as well as Google on the internet. Intel also has to do with technology and I decided to invest in technology since it's so used and important in this world we live in. JetBlue is an airline and since people are always traveling it is important to invest in them especially with spring and summer breaks on their way. Home Depot is such a big company with so many home goods and people tend to fix up their houses especially with the summer coming soon. Well, for now this is all I have and I hope everything goes well because I do not want to lose a lot of money.

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